Crime Prevention

Longitude Festival is a weekend of huge fun and enjoyment. We don’t want that experience spoiled by anything happening to you or your stuff, so we’re offering this advice to help your weekend or day go with a swing and not a bump.

Most people are here to have a great time and make new friends, but there may be some people onsite who might take advantage of the relaxed atmosphere. Festivals can offer an easy target for career criminals and opportunists who know how attendees tick and Longitude is sadly no exception.

Make it difficult for criminals - be vigilant and beware of thieves.


Quite simply – please DON’T BRING THEM. There is enough going on for you to be entertained without your ipod, laptop etc

Don’t carry anything in back pockets – especially at the stages, pockets with zips are better or a money belt.


Don’t carry more money than you need to.

All venue bars will be cashless. You can use debit/credit cards or apps on your phone, such as Google Pay and Apple Pay. Food vendors will take cash and card payments. The promoter reserves the right to refuse admission or evict without refund anyone who fails to comply with the event terms and conditions (T&C’s) of entry. For full T&C’s please visit / /

Keep a record of your phone’s 15 digit serial number or IMEI number which is unique to each phone. Find it by keying in *#06#* or by looking behind the battery. This number should help An Garda Síochána trace ownership quickly.

Register the phone with your operator. If you report the phone stolen, the operator should then be able to bar your SIM card. Use the phone's security lock or pin number.

There are free apps to track your phone/tablet if it goes missing or gets stolen. Your device is tracked by GPS and can be located online and in some cases be locked remotely. If the phone/device is stolen you can pass this information to the An Garda Síochána.

For phones, go to the manufacturer's website and download a tracking/finding application. There are others available through app stores.

Keep your phone well hidden when you are not using it. Don’t wave your expensive phone around in a crowd when taking photos. It may catch the wrong person’s eye. There are career criminals doing a roaring trade in mobile phones stolen at events.

Make sure your mobile is fully charged before attending. The stages get busy at night and you are more likely to need your phone to meet up with friends who might have wandered to the bar or food outlets.


Don’t leave anything valuable in your car – including sat navs, car stereos, cameras, CDs or mobile phones. Leave your glove compartment empty and open so that thieves can see they have nothing to break in for.

If you witness a crime, report the issue to a member of security or staff as soon as possible.